The time in MST is:


Made by Matei.

MST = Matei Standard Time.

I (sadly) happen to be notoriously late to a lot of my social events and gaming sessions with my friends. Due to my rather extreme lengths of being late to gaming sessions (i.e. 30 minutes or more), my friends have coined the term "MST" to (rightfully) call me out for being egregiously late.

However, I took this in stride, and instead have now thrown this term around when my friends happen to be late, so really this "time zone" is now applicable to my friend group very often.

That being said, we did not know exactly what MST was in terms of real time. Therefore, I calculated the statistical average delay of my arrival to happenings using my time tracker entries, which happens to be 21 minutes and 28 seconds. This page reflects your exact current time in MST.